Penglipuran Village

Currently Penglipuran village has become one of the tourist attractions in Bali that attracts tourists, both foreign tourists and Indonesian tourists. The thing that makes Penglipuran village a tourist destination is because the villagers still maintain village traditions, such as the shape of the houses that look the same, and always keep the village clean

Since then Penglipuran Village has been seen on an Indonesian TV station, which is used as a shooting location for FTV (television films). The interest of domestic tourists to visit Penglipuran village in Bali is getting higher. In addition, with Instagram, Penglipuran Village has become famous among Indonesian tourists.

We know this from the number of bookings for cheap tour packages to Bali, whose schedule has been changed according to the customer’s wishes, including tourist routes to Penglipuran Bali.

Even though the numbers are not as significant as tours to Tanah Lot, the demand for tour packages with the Penglipuran Bali itinerary is increasing every year.

Things To Know Before Visit Penglipuran Village

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